How to Submit an Invoice for Ungating
Sometimes, Amazon may request that you submit an invoice when you apply to sell a product, brand, or category. When this happens, they essentially want to know where your products are coming from and if they are legitimate.
An invoice is a document that records the transaction of goods between a buyer and seller. If you're sourcing wholesale, you should already have invoices ready and available to submit to Amazon. If not, you can obtain one by placing an order directly from the product manufacturer or an authorized distributor.
Note: Amazon will not accept documents such as order confirmations or retail receipts in place of invoices.
Once you have your invoice handy, you can upload it to Seller Central during the selling application process.
To begin, search for the product on the Add Products page in Seller Central.

Locate it in the results list and select the product's condition. Then, click Apply to sell.

On the next page, click Request Approval.

Click the option to submit an invoice.

A list of requirements for your invoice and an instructional video will be displayed. You'll want to make sure your invoice meets the requirements which include:
- A completed transaction within 180 days
- A purchase quantity of a minimum of 10 units of the product you're applying to sell
- Your business name and address, which must match the business details for your Seller account
- The supplier's full name and contact information
- A product identifier such as the product name, model number, or UPC
Drop or select the file from your computer to upload.
Fill in any additional required information. Then, wait for approval from Amazon. If everything checks out, they'll approve you to sell the product. If they need more information, they might contact you.
For details on Amazon's process for selling applications, check out their article: Products that require approval