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Imagine the Dashboard as your Amazon control center. It gives you a big-picture view of your business, allowing you to keep track of everything at a glance.

To navigate to this page, click Dashboard on the left menu.

At the top, you'll see sales figures for Today, This week, Month to date, and Last month.

Clicking the pencil icon next to a date range allows you to change it.

To see detailed information, click the arrow.

The window will expand to show a breakdown of the sales and fees used to calculate profit and estimated payout for the timeframe. Clicking the arrows next to Sales and Amazon Fees will break them down further.

Under the profit, more figures are displayed, including % Refunds, Margin, and ROI.

The graph below shows Sales over time based on the timeframe being viewed.

Hover over the graph points to see Revenue, Profit, Units sold, and Refunds.

Recent Shipments are displayed at the bottom of the page for easy tracking.

Recent Shipments